I'm very excited to have taught this class on CraftCast!!
Come join Alison Lee and me, while
I show you step by step the Enamel Illusions technique that closely imitates transparent, vitreous enamel.
You'll learn a no-kiln method that will add a genuine sparkle and vibrant color to your silver. I'll show you which products work, which don't, and why.
to purchase the recording of this class
from CraftCast.

Registration is now underway for the
Polymer Clay and Creative Arts Fest
Fairfield Inn – Weston, Wisconsin
October 21–24, 2010
This great conference includes a 4-hour workshop with each of the following instructors: Jeffrey Lloyd Dever, Grant Diffendaffer, Julie Eakes, Tory Hughes, Kathryn Jo Ottman, Nan Roche, Shirley Rufener, and myself—Cindy Silas. There are also two pre-conference workshops with Jeff Dever and Kathryn Ottman/Cindy Silas. For more information and the PCCAF registration form, please
There are a limited number of spaces available. Register today!

Intro to and Combining
Metal Clays
PCCAF Pre-conference workshop, October 21–22
Taught by Kathryn Ottman and Cindy Silas
This workshop will introduce you to simple techniques for working with silver, bronz and coppr metal clays. If you've wanted to try them, but were afraid to, here's an opportunity to get your feet wet. Walk away with new techniques and some jewelry to boot!
You will also learn a few ways to combine the metal clays, such as the copper and bronze mokumé gane technique you see on the left. This has not been previously taught. For more information and the PCCAF registration form, please
There are a limited number of spaces available. Register today!
Below are more workshops that I would love to teach to you!

Enamel Illusions
Two-day workshop
As a two-day workshop, you will learn the expanded version of the one-day workshop described above. We will have time for additional learning, creating, and fun! Also included is learning everything that is in the Photopolymer Plates Galore class (see that description below) and making your own texture plates.
Basic silver clay experience is preferred, but NOT necessary. If you'd like to schedule this workshop for your group, please contact Cindy.

Clay Collaboration
Two-day workshop
Whether you work primarily in metal clay or polymer, this workshop will teach you more about both mediums and a new technique that combines and compliments both. Metal clay can be designed with cut-outs, similar to a brass stencil. Then, after firing and finishing it, polymer can be pushed through the holes. In this workshop, you will make a domed pendant or bead, while learning new ways to make original texture plates, the in's and out's of designing and carving a fine silver metal clay frame, an innovative way of connecting the two mediums, and a controlled method of filling the frame with polymer.
Basic silver clay experience is preferred, but NOT necessary. If you'd like to schedule this workshop for your group, please contact Cindy.

Photopolymer Plates Galore
One-day class or part of a two-day workshop
Learn to create photopolymer plates (PPP) from your own art! Then use them as you would a rubber stamp to impress textures and designs—
even your signature, into your polymer or metal clay. In this class, you will make photopolymer plates to take home, plus learn the following:
- several ways to create your art, so that you get crisp results
- the best plates to use for different purposes
- how to determine the best exposure time
- plate development process
- demo and tips for using your plates on both polymer and metal clays
- advanced tips and techniques to bring your plates to the next level
- and finally, I will have samples available to show how the plates can be used
All levels are welcome. See calendar for scheduled classes or contact Cindy to
schedule it.
To receive email updates on future workshops,
please email Cindy and put "workshop" in the subject line.