artist statement

Always an artist, I've explored a broad variety of media such as drawing, painting, photography, and several of the textile and fiber arts. The last few years, I've concentrated on polymer, metal clay, various silversmith skills, and creating art jewelry. I have a degree in Advertising Design from the University of Maryland, which led to a career as a graphic designer.

My art experience has been rich, not with any one medium, but in adding up what they all have to offer. Each has added to my sense of design and love of color, texture, and images...not to mention a jam-packed studio :)))

Life is an adventure, and there is so much left to do...see...try.
I’m looking forward to exploring, innovating, and continuing to share through artwork, demos, teaching and publishing.


  • Saul Bell Design Award Competition 2013, Finalist in the Metal Clay Category: view the piece
  • Celebrating Beads 2008, Bead Museum, Washington, DC
    Finalist, Professional Clay category, Promenade


Affiliations and Activities:



Copyright © 2013 Cindy Silas
All Rights Reserved